Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thank goodness for my GPS

  Do you use a gps too??  I hope so.   For some reason I have a HORRIBLE sense of direction.....I mean, I get turned around in our Church house every week.  I don't pay very much attention when I'm going places, especially if I am not the one driving.  Lucky for me, my trusty gps can tell me just where to go!  I plug in the address and I am off!
  Last night I was heading to Salt Lake for a Drill Team performance.  I had never been to Juan Diego before so I typed the address in my gps.  As I was driving on the freeway the voice told me many times to "stay left" when approaching an exit I wasn't to take.  So, I would stay left, and continue on.  After I had been driving for a while, one of my favorite songs came on the radio.  I turned it up and enjoyed the little bit of sunshine there was today.  Muffled by the sound of the radio I heard my gps give me some kind of instruction.....only I didn't quite get the message.  I couldn't hear it because my music was too loud.  I panicked and hoped I hadn't missed my exit.  At that point a light bulb switched in my head......
   WE HAVE ALL BEEN GIVEN OUR OWN GPS'S on EARTH!  It tells us when we need to avoid certain things or places, it lets us know when we need to turn around, and even when our friends or family are in need of something.  Did you know Mandy's "GPS" told her there was something going on with Dylan?  Ryan's too.  They were both being prompted to see more doctors and figure out what was going on, even with Dylan showing very little symptoms at the time.  The good part is that they listened.  How often is our "music too loud"  to hear the promptings?  How often do we miss our exits, or turn the wrong way, because we can't hear the instructions?  
  Luckily last night, I didn't miss my exit.  I still had another chance to take the right one... but I learned just how important it is for me to be able to hear.  To be prepared to hear, and not let the excitement of my favorite songs make me forget there is someone trying to lead and guide me.  I am so thankful for that wonderful gift we have been given.        

PS- Did you know that Dylan has been REALLY funny lately?!!  Sunday was a rough day for me emotionally.  It was hard for me to teach the 9 year olds in primary about prayer, and not cry.  It was even more hard for me to be at my parents with all the kids playing downstairs and sweet Dylan just sitting on the couch upstairs. It was one of those days I just wanted to crawl back into bed and cry.  Well.....I sat next to Dylan on the couch and he proceeded to tell me the play by play of EVERY State Farm commercial that is currently playing on tv.  Then every once in a while he'd sing very loudly, " LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE!!"  I could not help but laugh, really hard.  Two days later it is still making me laugh and smile.  I love that boy!!


  1. I know he has been so funny, the other night he said that he wanted to be a Commedian when he grows up, he was telling us the jokes of Brian Regean commedian, about the science project that was a cup of dirt, have him tell it to you, it is SO funny!!!! arent' we glad he still has his sense of humor????

  2. Chelsea & Family
    I have thought about you guys so much since I heard about darling little Dylan. I get on and check the blog and I am so touched by what you guys post. Having suffered a tragedy in my family, it is so hard sometimes not to ask... why me? why my family? Your attitudes are really a great example... And from the sounds of it, Dylan sounds like a great example as well. What a little cutie pie he is! You are all in my thoughts & prayers.
    April Clark Lamborn
