Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cancer buddies

Meet Dylan's newest "Cancer buddy" Cyndi!  She is currently battling breast cancer.  

 Sunday night I stopped and visited the Shaw home for a little bit.  While I was there, Cyndi, Katie(daughter), Travis(Katie's husband), Mitch(Cyndi's son), & Amy(daughter) showed up at their door.  With them they brought a tree...tied with money & gift cards all over.  Dylan was shocked, and kept saying "Oh my gosh, they are SO nice!!" over and over again!  Both families shared lots of smiles and tears.  One family battling cancer, reaching out to another.  Cyndi gave Dylan so many kind words of love and encouragement.  I quickly realized it was a healing event to both the givers and the recipients.  It was one of the most tender experiences I have ever been a part of, and will never forget.  Life is about serving others.  Cyndi obviously isn't feeling great, had her 4th round of chemo the next morning, and chose to spend her time making someone else happy(or "filling someones bucket", as we say at our house! buy this book if you have children).  That for me was such a wonderful example of service.  I am so thankful to all of you... for not just filling...but overfilling our buckets daily.  None of us would be surviving without all the love and prayers.  We love you.


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